Test Configuration

Run your tests against multiple device configurations

Changing configuration

You can change the configuration for a test suite with test.use. Note that config changes will start a new session when used within a test.describe.

See Playwright documentation for more details on test.use.

import { test, expect } from '@appetize/playwright'

  config: {
    publicKey: '<buildId|publicKey>'
    device: 'nexus5'

test('app works on nexus5', async ({ session }) => {

Getting configuration

The current configuration can be accessed with the config argument in the test

test('my test', async ({ session, config }) => {
   if (config.osVersion === '7.0') {
      // do os 7.0 specific behaviour
   } else {

You can also use this to skip tests

test.describe('iOS 16 features', () => {
    // skip suite if osVersion is less than 16
    test.skip(({ config }) => parseInt(config.osVersion) < 16);
    test('some feature', async ({ session }) => { ... })


Projects allow you to run your entire test suite with different configurations. This is useful if you have a cross platform app or wish to test against a set of devices and/or osVersions.

Below are some examples that may fit your use case.


Test Android and iOS apps

Runs tests under tests/ios for the iOS configuration, and tests/android for the Android configuration

const config = {
    // ... 
    projects: [
            name: 'ios',
            testDir: './tests/ios',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'iphone14pro',
                    publicKey: '<IOS APP BUILD ID (PUBLIC KEY)>'
            name: 'android',
            testDir: './tests/android',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'pixel6',
                    publicKey: '<ANDROID APP BUILD ID (PUBLIC KEY)>'

Test iOS app against multiple iOS Versions

Runs the test suite against iOS 16 and iOS 15

const config = {
    // ... 
    use: {
        config: {
            publicKey: '<BUILD ID (PUBLIC KEY)>'
    projects: [
            name: 'ios-16',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'iphone14pro',
                    osVersion: '16',
            name: 'ios-15',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'iphone14pro',
                    osVersion: '15'

Test Android against multiple devices

Runs the test suite against a Pixel 7 and a Pixel 6

const config = {
    // ... 
    use: {
        config: {
            publicKey: '<BUILD ID (PUBLIC KEY)>'
    projects: [
            name: 'pixel7',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'pixel7'
            name: 'pixel6',
            use: {
                config: {
                    device: 'pixel6'

During tests

You can reference the current project configuration in your tests. This is useful if you need to change or skip a test based on a certain device

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