JavaScript SDK

Our JavaScript SDK offers an API to programmatically interact with Appetize devices. This allows you to automate interactions with the device, verify app behavior, and more.


First, load the JavaScript SDK by adding the following snippet to the head section of your page:

(function () {const n = window,i = document,o = i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],t = i.createElement("script");
(t.src = ""), (t.async = 1), o.parentNode.insertBefore(t, o);
const s = new Promise(function (e) {t.onload = function () {e();};});n.appetize = {getClient: function (...e) {
return s.then(() => n.appetize.getClient(...e));},};})();

Embed your app

Add an iframe with an Appetize embed URL:


Get the Client

The easiest way to get the client is by calling window.appetize.getClient(selector).

This will return an Appetize client instance for the embed e.g.

const client = await window.appetize.getClient("#appetize")

Starting a Session

You can start a session programmatically:

const session = await client.startSession()
console.log('session started!')

or wait for the user to click "Tap to Play":

client.on("session", session => {
    console.log('session started!')

Next we'll cover various ways you can configure the embed, such as the device or OS version.

Last updated

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