Sharing Apps

Sharing your app on Appetize is easy! Simply upload your build and share the link with others for instant access on any device.

The easiest way to find your external share link is by going to your Apps or App Builds page and selecting share under the app, App Group or build that you want to embed on your website.

Currently, Share will share a specific build of your application. Soon, we will introduce new sharing features that will allow you to share the latest build without changing the URL.

App Identifier

App builds hosted on Appetize are distinguished by their unique Application Identifier. On Android, this identifier corresponds to the Application ID, while on iOS, it is known as the Bundle Identifier.

You can access the of a particular application like this:{platform}/{appId}

By default, only users signed in to your account will have access to your App Identifier link.

This link can also be further filtered to a specific type of build by passing in the preferred metadata e.g.

  • By tag{platform}/{appId}?tag=dev

  • By version{platform}/{appId}/{versionName}

Build Identifier

Previously known as publicKey

When you upload an app build to Appetize, you receive a link to view your app. This link includes the app's assigned buildId, and looks like this:{buildId}

By default, anybody who has your app's build link, i.e. its buildId (previously known as publicKey), will have permission to run your app.

Your app link can be easily shared with whomever you'd like, or embedded into your own applications.

Some customers want to restrict access, so that only authenticated users may run their app (or certain features). See App Build Permissions for more information on how to do this.

Last updated