With Launch Params, you can pass custom data to your mobile apps while running in Appetize. It can be useful to load custom content, skip onboarding, auto-login a specified user, or custom tracking.
Passing Data to your Application
With Query Parameter
Set the params data to pass to your application. The data needs to be an URL-Encoded JSON Object e.g.
The data will also be stored in SharedPreferences under a file called prefs.db. This is accessibly by fetching that SharedPreferences instance and calling the appropriate get method e.g.
The data will also be stored in SharedPreferences under a file called prefs.db. This is accessibly by fetching that SharedPreferences instance and calling the appropriate get method e.g.
val preferences = applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("prefs.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
preferences.getBoolean("isAppetize", false)
preferences.getString("stringKey", null)
Complex types (e.g. arrays or objects) will automatically be serialized and need to be deserialized manually before using e.g. passing an object:
Note that extension bundles will not have access to the app's standard UserDefaults. To work around this issue, please see Sharing Data with Your Containing App.
The data passed will be stored in the shared defaults object, accessible by calling the appropriate method (based on type) e.g.
Note that extension bundles will not have access to the app's standard UserDefaults. To work around this issue, please see Sharing Data with Your Containing App.