To get started, Appetize requires the APK containing your application.
Last updated
To get started, Appetize requires the APK containing your application.
Last updated
Select Build -> Build APK(s) -> Build APK(s) or Build -> Generated Signed APK (and following the prompts)
Once the build is complete you can locate the .apk
file by selecting locate
in the dialog that appears
or by navigating to
Generate your build with gradle
by running the assemble
command for your preferred app build variant e.g. debug
Once the build is complete you can locate the .apk
file by navigating to
Appetize currently only support apk
files for Android. In order to get your application to work with Appetize you will need to convert your aab
to an apk
by making use of the bundletool
provided by Google.
If you are having trouble running your uploaded Android app in Appetize, we recommend trying to run the same APK on the standard Google-provided Android emulator locally over ADB.
Once your emulator is launched and available via adb devices
, you can install it using the install
or by simply dragging over the apk
into the emulator window.
Also check our Knowledge Base for frequently asked questions and solutions.
in the dialog to navigate to the apk