Every SSO provider is a little bit different. Please contact us with any questions!

Configure app settings

Please ensure that the user's email address is sent as the username in the SAML response.

Please create group assignments for appetize_developer and appetize_admin, and assign to users appropriately. All users who have access to the SAML app, with no group assignments, will default to the user role. Please ensure these group assignments are passed in the SAML response as an attribute named groups.


SP Entity Id / Audience URI


Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS)

TBD - provided by

Recipient URL

N/A - leave blank or same as ACS

Destination URL

N/A - leave blank or same as ACS

Information to provide to Appetize

  • entryPoint - the URL from your service provider that will initiate a login.

  • x509 certificate used to sign SAML responses

your provider may provide an IdP metadata file that contains both the entryPoint and the x509 certificate. You may send that file to us.

  • authentication context (optional) - usually necessary for Microsoft ADFS

  • signature algorithm (default SHA256)

  • which identify provider are you using? (ADFS, OKTA, etc)

Example Configuration with OKTA

Last updated

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