App Permissions
With Appetize's app permissions, users can manage who has access to their app, can debug apps or view network traffic logs and more.
Last updated
With Appetize's app permissions, users can manage who has access to their app, can debug apps or view network traffic logs and more.
Last updated
See Sharing App Identifier Links.
By default, only users linked to your organization and signed in to Appetize will have access to your App Identifier link.
See Sharing Build Identifier Links.
By default, anybody who has your app's Build Identifier link, i.e. its buildId (previously known as publicKey), will have permission to run your app.
Some customers want to restrict access, so that only authenticated users may run their app. For this purpose, we have a configuration option which can be set at either the organization level or the app build level.
Set and control default session permissions across your organization by navigating to Organization -> Session Defaults.
App Build Permissions will override Organization Session Default Permissions. We recommend using Organization Session Default Permissions. In the future we will introduce more granular ways to provide permissions for your apps.
For the app-level setting, navigate to your Dashboard, select your preferred app and then select the build you want to change permissions for:
and finally configure the option under Settings > App Permissions.
App Level Permissions can also be applied when uploading the app via our REST API. See Create new app and Update existing app for more information.
Configure the permissions below to determine whether you need to be authenticated with Appetize and linked to the organization or simply have the Embed or View link for an app in order to perform the following actions.
Run your application
Specify a network proxy when running the app
Use Appetize's intercepting proxy when running the app
View your app's NSLog/Logger or Logcat output
Debug your app by connecting ADB to the hosted emulator
Allow the installation of additional APK's while your app is running